Para aquellos que tiene una Nextion 2.4 aqui les comparto una imagen en formato TFT para su descarga.
Video de demostracion:
Una vez instalada la imagen en la Nextion es importante instalar el “Nextion Driver”, la instalación de este driver permite que toda la información que ofrece esta imagen se vea en pantalla y esta funcione correctamente.
NOTA: Es muy importante seguir las instrucciones de instalación del Nextion Driver, como se indica más abajo:
Link a las instrucciones originales, de la página del autor, para copiar y pegar las líneas de comando para la instalación del Nextion Driver.
Welcome to the Install Nextion Driver Page
// If it is necessary to remove a version of the nextion driver,
// the instructions as to how to do so follows:
// First, SSH into pistar and log on with the pistar
// username and password.
// Issue this command at the linux prompt:
rpi-rw and press Enter
// Next we will issue the command to actually remove the nextion
// driver.
// Issue this command at the linux prompt:
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/NextionDriver
// log in to your Pi-Star with SSH
// Login: pi-star
// Password: raspberry
// Then change directory to the /tmp directory
// using the following keyboard command. cd /tmp and press Enter
// Note: You must be in /tmp
// directory for this to work correctly
// Enter these two commands at the linux prompt.
sudo su and press Enter
rpi-rw and press Enter
// Use this command in pistar to get the software.
// Enter the following command at the linux prompt:
git clone
// and press Enter after entering the above command.
// Great! Now do the next step!!!
// Enter the following command at the linux prompt:
sudo NextionDriverInstaller/ //and then press Enter
// NOTE: Some installations will ask to reboot the Pi.
// Just reply with Y.
// Now, proceed with the following steps.
// If a reboot was required just SSH back into
// pistar and log back into pistar. Then cd /tmp
// to place you back into the /tmp directory.
// Be sure to enter the two necessary commands:
// sudo su and press Enter
// rpi-rw and press Enter
// Checking the installation (on Pi-Star)
// be sure you are in the /tmp directory
// Use this command to get the software
// This sounds redundant, but this will
// check to see if you properly downloaded
// the Driver.
git clone
// NOTE: if you get an error that the destionation
// path exists,
// you already downloaded the software.
// Then just go to the next step.
// Great! Now do the next step!!!
// Enter the following command at the linux prompt:
sudo NextionDriverInstaller/
// You will notice that in the MMDVMHost beyond the
// Nextion part of that page, there are some additions
// regarding this Nextion Interface:
// Check your software settings in Pi-Star:
// Goto the Expert Page and click on MMDVMHost
// check/set in the [Nextion] section, the driver
// should be set to: /dev/ttyNextionDriver
// or /dev/ttyAMA0 (if connected to GPIO-RPi)
// check/set in the [Nextion Driver] section,
// Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (for USB adapter) or /dev/ttyAMA0
// (if connected to the GPIO pins of RPi or Hat Board)
// My Nextion is connected to the four pins on the Hat
// Board. This is how my [Nextion] and [Nextion Driver]
// sections in mmdvmhost are configured.
// I have another Nextion connected to the Hotspot via
// a ttl to Usb adapter connected to the USB port on
// the Raspberry Pi. Notice below, one of the Port=
// selections is Port=/dev/ttyUSB0 for that type of
// connection.
[Nextion] Port=/dev/ttyNextionDriver
Brightness=98 // This brightness is set to 50 default.
IdleBrightness=98 // This brightness is set to 20 default.
DisplayTempInFahrenheit=1 // This changes Temp from °C to °F.
Port=modem // If connected to the four pins on the hat.
Port=/dev/ttyUSB0 // if connected through a ttl to USB adapter.
LogLevel=2 // Be sure this is 2. Higher log levels use up disc.
DataFilesPath=/usr/local/etc/ // This tells pistar where your data files are.
GroupsFile=groups.txt // Place this file into /usr/local/etc/
DMRidFile=stripped.csv // Place this file into /usr/local/etc/
// After changing these settings, Reboot your hotspot.
Now you are ready to use the Model 7 Extended Edition screen layouts..
We certainly hope our Ham Radio friends enjoy these Nextion Displays and images as much as do we. This Website will try to explain as much as possible about the various Nextion Displays, how to install them on a Raspberry pi and operating them for the most enjoyment.
// Después de cambiar esta configuración, reinicie su punto de acceso o dispositivo digital.
Verificar entrando en el modo de EXPERTO luego MMDVMHost y hacer los ajustes como lo indica la gráfica de abajo después de haber instalado en Nextion Driver
tengo un tytera md-380 pero lo tengo bloqueado me pide el password y no me acuerdo y no tengo el progama como aser para poder abrir el tytera md-380 que progama nesecito para poder abrirlo saludos de SM0YOL